NOOR produksjoner

NOOR produksjoner is a live art production company specialicing in performancebased project that explores our postcolonial reality. NOOR productions ANS is run by acter and director Trond Peter Stamsø Munch and playwright and dramaturge Tale Næss. Follow the progress of all our projects and the projects of our collaborators on this blog, and feel free to give us comments and input. If you are interested in booking one of us, ore one of our performances/projects, please contact us on mail to:

mandag 29. mai 2017

New production on the way for NOOR productions

Today we are one step closer to making our next production "the Blessed" a reality. With support from Fond for Lyd og Bilde and Tromsø City Counsil, we hope to be able to have our opening night this winter. The production is a monologue based on true events: A murder of a palestinian man from east Jerusalem that took place in Jericho in 2006. The murder happened after he sold his land on the Olive Mount to Jewish settlers. How could he sell this land? Why was he murdered? And why did he go to Jericho when he knew this could mean danger? Even a treath on his life?
The monologue is written by NOOR productions playwright Tale Næss (picture to the left) and is about family roots, love and betrayal.

The team will consist of Fredrik Hermansen (picture to the right) who will play the title role. Visuals will be handled by Sabrina Jacobsson, and NOOR productions Trond Peter Stamsø Munch will direct the play.

The play will be produced in collaboration with Gaza Week Tromsø and the festival MOTforestillinger, and we hope to be able to perform in Tromsø, Oslo and Trondheim

So far the production has been financed by Fond for Lyd og Bilde and Tromsø City Counsil.

mandag 15. mai 2017

Poems with settings from the Middle Eastern conflict on stage in Bogota

From the 3rd til the 9th of May NOOR productions Tale Næss was one of two guests at the specially focused edition of Bogota International Poetry Festival.
  The focus followed to strands. One was the topic of peace - and the other on contemporary norwegian poetry.
  Næss`poetry was written after several journeys in the Middle East and reflects the conflict there and the strain it lies on the individuals sovereignty over her own life and her abillity to express herself.
  Underneath is an interview by Næss, written for the festivals web page and magazine. The interview is en spanish and english.
Which relationships do you think there are between poetry and peace?
I consider peace the foundation that all public life. It`s what free citicenship is built upon.
Considero que la paz es la fundación de toda vida pública. Sobre la paz está construída la libertad ciudadana.
It’s the space from where freedom can be built. The freedom to feel, to raise ones
La paz es el espacio desde el cual la libertad puede ser construída. La libertad de sentir, de expresar la opinion de cada uno, de expresar los sentimientos de uno artísticamente en tiempos de Guerra d