NOOR produksjoner

NOOR produksjoner is a live art production company specialicing in performancebased project that explores our postcolonial reality. NOOR productions ANS is run by acter and director Trond Peter Stamsø Munch and playwright and dramaturge Tale Næss. Follow the progress of all our projects and the projects of our collaborators on this blog, and feel free to give us comments and input. If you are interested in booking one of us, ore one of our performances/projects, please contact us on mail to:

torsdag 19. september 2024

Ny samarbeidspartner i team "den Velsignede"

NOOR produksjoner tar i høst opp igjen produksjonen "den Velsignede", en monolog skrevet av NOOR produksjoners Tale Næss. Monologen tar utgangspunkt i en virkelig hendelse, et mord i Jericho i 2009. Bakgrunnen for handlingen er den israelske okkupasjonen av palestinske områder på Vestbredden og det er Israels pågående aggresjon mot den palestinske befolkninga som er grunnen til at vi nå tar denne produksjonen opp igjen.
Forestillinga vil ha nypremiere under Vinterlysfestivalen i Mo i Rana februar 2025.
NOOR produksjoners Trond Peter Stamsø Munch vil da ta over som skuespiller på prosjektet og vi i samarbeid med billedkunstneren Jedrzej Borkiewicz vil vi i høst utvikle et nytt visuelt konsept for forestillingen.

Jedrzej skriver om seg selv:
Jędrzej Borkiewicz is an international visual artist, VJ, painter and muralist with a Masters in fine arts from the University of Arts in Poznań. 
The main scope of his studies was exploring new values in painting based on volcanic nature and research. This research spiked a passionate interest in developing artistic forms in the urban environment. 
With excessive experience in urban art as well as multimedia production, Jędrzej has an impressive body of work as a VJ, stage designer and event producer. This includes many shows in multiple European countries featuring projection mappings, expos, VJing showcases, exhibitions, productions, the list goes on. 
At the moment he develops solo projects and collaborations worldwide.

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